Acne scars can significantly lower a person's confidence and sense of self. Fortunately, dermal fillers have become a reliable method for lessening the visibility of acne scars. 

acne scar treatment in Hyderabad

Based on insights from Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili, a renowned skin expert for acne scar treatment in Hyderabad, this blog will address the way dermal fillers heal acne scars, improve skin smoothness, and increase confidence.

Understanding Acne Scars 

Acne Scars Treatment

Severe acne outbreaks frequently leave scars. In addition to leaving the skin with an uneven texture and pigmentation, they can appear as depressions like icepicks, boxcars, or rolling scars. Dermal fillers are substances that can be injected into the skin to smooth out rough patches, add volume to places that have lost it due to scarring, and fill up hollows. A more equal and refined complexion is achieved by these fillers' ability to strengthen the skin and fill in the indented scars.

Role of Dermal Fillers in Acne Scar Treatment

Acne scarred portions of the skin are treated with injections of dermal fillers, which are commonly composed of hyaluronic acid or collagen-stimulating chemicals. Because of their propensity to draw and hold moisture, hyaluronic acid fillers increase the volume of depressed scars, raising them to the level of the surrounding skin. Collagen-stimulating fillers promote the body's own collagen production, progressively reducing the visible effects of acne scars. Dermal fillers contribute to skin smoothness, reduced scar visibility, and the restoration of a more youthful and even complexion by filling in the scars and promoting collagen.

Read More:-Top Acne Scar Treatments By An Expert Dermatologist

Procedure of Dermal Fillers for Acne Scar Removal  

A competent healthcare expert can treat acne scars with dermal fillers in a minimally invasive manner. A thorough consultation is undertaken prior to the treatment to determine the type, depth, and placement of the scars. To ensure the patient's comfort throughout the procedure, the practitioner may apply local anaesthesia or a numbing lotion. The filler is then carefully injected, with meticulous control over the product's depth and dosage, into the desired regions. The operation normally lasts for 30 minutes, and one can see the effects right away. However, one’s results will develop to their full potential over the coming weeks.

Benefits and Considerations of Dermal fillers 

Dermal fillers have a number of benefits for healing acne scars. They offer a minimally invasive, immediately effective, non-surgical approach. Due to the procedure's adaptability, the doctor can customize the patient's care to their unique skin issues and scars. Dermal fillers are also transient; their duration can range from a few months to over a year, depending on the filler type used. While dermal fillers can significantly reduce the look of acne scars, it's crucial to remember that they might not completely remove deep or severe scarring. The optimum course of treatment for specific needs must be determined in consultation with a trained expert.

Skin Care post Dermal Filler Treatment for Acne Scar

It's crucial to properly care for the skin following dermal fillers treatment for acne scars in order to maximise the effects and encourage healing. The following are important skincare advice:

  1. For at least 24 hours, refrain from touching or rubbing the treated areas.

  2. Put on sunscreen with a high SPF to shield the skin from the sun.

  3. Cleanse the skin gently with gentle, non-abrasive products.

  4. Regularly moisturise to keep the skin hydrated.

  5. Avoid using rough scrubs or exfoliants that could aggravate the treated regions.

  6. Observe any specific post-treatment recommendations given by the concerned skin expert.

  7. The full effects of the treatment might not show up right away, so have patience.

An ideal candidate for Dermal Fillers

Someone with superficial to moderately depressed acne scars who wants to get rid of them is a good candidate for dermal fillers. These people could have attempted alternative therapies in the past without getting the desired outcomes. Before thinking about dermal fillers, it's crucial to have the acne under control. Additionally, candidates should be in good general health and have reasonable expectations for the procedure's results. A qualified and experienced skin expert’s consultation is necessary to evaluate the person's unique skin condition, ascertain the kind and severity of the acne scars, and establish whether they are an appropriate candidate for dermal filler treatment.

Cost of Dermal Filler Treatment for Acne Scar Treatment in Hyderabad 

Dermal filler therapy for acne scars might vary in price depending on a number of variables in Hyderabad. The type and quantity of fillers used, the complexity and severity of the acne scars, the location and reputation of the clinic or facility, and the experience and reputation of the dermatologist doing the procedure are some of these considerations. Pre-treatment consultations, post-treatment appointments, and any extra treatments or products suggested for the best outcomes may also be included in the total cost. A skin doctor should be consulted to ascertain the precise acne scar treatment cost in Hyderabad.


Dermal fillers provide a promising option for those hoping to get smoother, more even skin and less noticeable acne scars. These injectable procedures can bolster self-esteem and help people embrace a renewed sense of confidence by filling in hollow spots and promoting collagen synthesis. Explore the options and start along the path to scar-free, smoother skin by speaking with a reputable specialist like Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili- Skin Doctor in Hyderabad