Both men and women can be affected by the distressing condition of hair loss. Fortunately, improvements in medical aesthetics have produced a range of hair loss treatment choices. Mesotherapy is one such choice that is gaining popularity. 

In order to provide affordable hair fall treatment cost in Hyderabad, Dr. Ravali Yallamanchili provides mesotherapy. The doctor talks about this non-invasive treatment. By taking insight from there, this blog explores the advantages, methods, and effectiveness of mesotherapy for managing hair loss.

What is Mesotherapy ?


A mixture of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other nutrients are injected into the scalp during mesotherapy, a minimally invasive procedure. These carefully selected substances aim to nourish the hair follicles, stimulate blood circulation, and promote hair growth. Mesotherapy is typically performed by a trained medical professional in dermatology.

Benefits of Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

  1. Targeted Approach: Mesotherapy enables targeted nutrient supply to the scalp that specifically targets the hair follicles. By delivering the essential nutrients to the area that needs stimulation, this focused technique improves the treatment's efficacy.

  1. The hair follicles are nourished: Vitamins, minerals, and other necessary components are included in the nutrient-rich cocktail utilised in mesotherapy to help nourish and regenerate the hair follicles. This nutrient makes the hair stronger, encourages healthier growth, and lessens hair loss.

  1. Improved Blood Circulation: The injections increase the scalp's blood flow, which is essential for strong hair growth. An ideal environment for hair regrowth is fostered by improved circulation, which guarantees that the hair follicles receive an adequate quantity of oxygen and nutrients.

  1. Minimal Downtime: Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive, non-surgical alternative to surgical hair restoration techniques. After the surgery, patients can usually get back to their normal routines right away. For those looking for non-invasive hair loss control options, this makes mesotherapy an appealing choice.

The Mesotherapy Procedure

  1. Mesotherapy for hair loss starts with a consultation with a skin expert. The doctor assesses the condition of the hair loss condition, examines the scalp, and discusses expectations and goals.

  2. Thereafter, a customised treatment plan is prepared. Based on the evaluation, the medical professional will create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. The ingredients and frequency of treatments may vary depending on the severity of hair loss and individual factors.

  3. The medical expert will inject the nutrient-rich fluid into the scalp during the therapy session using a small needle. Usually, the injections are given in several locations all over the scalp to guarantee complete coverage.

Follow-Up Sessions

Mesotherapy for hair loss typically necessitates a series of therapy sessions spread out over a few weeks or months. Depending on how you respond to the treatment, the doctor will decide on the precise number of sessions.

Efficacy and Results

Numerous people report success using mesotherapy to control hair loss; however, individual results may vary. Patients frequently notice less hair loss, thicker hair, and better-looking hair. It is important to remember that mesotherapy may not be helpful for everyone and that benefits might not be immediately apparent. To maintain the outcomes attained, periodic maintenance sessions could be necessary.

Best Skin Clinic in Hyderabad

To know more, an appointment with a skin expert like Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili, practising at Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics, the best skin clinic in Hyderabad, is advisable.